The nose is one of the most prominent features of the face—a feature that makes an impression by itself as well as by the way it balances the rest of the face. The structure and characteristics of a nose must be considered in relation to one’s other facial features.
People sometimes complain about their nose being too big, too long, too wide, the tip too boxy, bulbous, or drooping, etc. The nose may have developed that way or become misshapen after a nasal fracture.
Surgery of the nose (rhinoplasty) involves making changes to the underlying nasal skeleton--the bones and cartilage that support and shape the nose. The recently developed open (external) rhinoplasty technique allows the surgeon to directly visualize these skeletal structures and to be much more precise in reshaping them. Rhinoplasty is performed  usually under local or general anesthesia, with the patient wearing a splint over their nose for one week.
 Regarding balance, keep in mind that a small chin can accentuate the nose, making it seem larger, so that placement of a chin implant to add more prominence to the lower face will create better facial harmony and a more attractive profile.