FACELIFTA facelift (rhytidectomy) is an operation that corrects the signs of facial aging related to loose, saggy skin and soft tissues, such as jowls, wrinkles, deepened folds, neck bands, double chin, etc.By lifting and firming up what has drifted downward, the Plastic Surgeon can recreate the characteristics of a more youthful, vibrant face, including a straighter jaw line, sharper and firmer contour to the neck, and smoother cheeks.Today’s facelift often includes fat removal from the neck and various techniques to tighten the deeper muscle layers of the face and neck. Recently, more limited procedures just focusing on specific problem areas of the neck or cheeks have become popular with younger patients who don’t feel ready for a complete facelift. The various facelift incisions are carefully placed so that the final scars are inconspicuous. These procedures are performed, often under local anesthesia with IV sedation, and the relatively short recovery period of 1-2 weeks is surprisingly comfortable.Although the improvements from a facelift are not permanent, as aging continues, we are able to “turn back the clock” and create a healthier, more youthful and natural appearance that you will enjoy for many years.MiniLift Facial RejuvenationToday it is possible to turn back the hands of time with minimal interruption of your busy lifestyle. The Minilift weekend facelift is a revolutionary advancement that tightens the lower face and neck in a minimally invasive way. This technique delivers similar results to a traditional lower facelift in properly selected patients. The Minilift is a procedure with minimal risk of complications.