Frequent question about Blepharoplasty – Eyelid correction
· How do I prepare for my eyelid lift? · How long does the procedure take? · What form of anesthesia is used? · Can I return home the same day? · How long before I can return to normal activity?
Eyelid lift is performed by making an elliptical incision in the upper lid first. Excess skin, muscle and fat bags will be removed and the skin will be stitched (sutured). If necessary, an incision that extends slightly beyond the outside corner of the eye will be made in the lower lid, beneath the eyelashes. Excessive skin and fat will be removed, sagging muscles will be tightened and the incision stitched (sutured). Often the lower lid bags can be removed without any visible incision or scar. Some women have hereditary or acquired darkening of the lower eyelid skin in addition to bags and wrinkles. The eyelid lift may not improve this darkening, but most people can be helped by a chemical peel of the lower lids some weeks after the procedure. A peel is rarely done at the same time as an eyelid lift. Consult with your surgeon to determine if additional procedures will enhance your eyes.
How do I prepare for my eyelid lift? During your initial preoperative visit with your surgeon, be prepared to give a complete medical history including all your medications, allergies and previous surgeries. You will undergo a thorough physical examination and blood tests. If you are at or over age 40, an electrocardiogram will be required. Photographs are important aids in planning and performing your eyelid lift. They become a permanent part of your patient record and are taken before and several months after your procedure. During your consultation, you will be given specific directions to help you prepare for your procedure. Instructions generally include cautions about taking certain medication and drinking alcohol, the shaving process and use of antibacterial soap. You must stop smoking, taking aspirin or taking diet pills at least two weeks prior to the procedure. You must not eat or drink anything eight hours before your procedure. If you take daily medication, ask your surgeon if it is safe to take before your procedure. If you have any sores on your body, if you have a cold, sore throat or allergic condition, inform your surgeon so you may be examined prior to your procedure.
How long does the procedure take? If both upper and lower eyelids are done together an eyelid lift takes approximately one hour. Less time is required if the procedure is performed only on the lower or only on the upper eyelids.
What form of anesthesia is used? General anesthesia is used for all surgical procedures and is performed by a Professional M.D. Anesthesiologist.
Can I return home the same day?
Yes. An eyelid lift is done on an outpatient basis. Be sure to arrange
for someone to drop you off, pick you up, take you home and stay with
you for at least 24 hours. You will not be able to drive yourself. 3rd day · 1 week · 1 month · 3 months · 6 months · 1 year
How long before I can return to normal activity? Most people return to work and regular functions in less than a week.